
I am Tyson Daniels.

During my childhood, I had to move from place to place quite frequently. In response, I developed a psychological craving for travel. I need to see this world. I am also a college student at Oregon State University - Cascades working towards my Bachelors in C.S.


Created a "Wordle" knock off in class.


Leetcode Profile - https://leetcode.com/danielty/


I made this Brick Breaker game using Makecode Arcade https://arcade.makecode.com/S67261-03248-88665-79639

My Repositories

GitHub Repository - https://github.com/tysond1/tysond1.github.io I created this repository using HTML.


Working towards my Bachelors in C.S.


Member of the Delta Epsilon Tau National Honors Society. This was granted to me by James Madison Highschool.

Social Media

GitHub - tysond1 LinkedIn - Tyson Daniels

Contact Me

Email: danielty@oregonstate.edu